《C 语言的科学和艺术》与《C 程序设计的抽象思维》两本书用到的库。

Library source code for the Eric Roberts texts, The Art and Science of C: A Library-Based Approach and Programming Abstractions in C: A Second Course in Computer Science.


Follow these steps to build a personal root system, which don’t need system permission, and generate a static library called libcs.a for the upper two books.

按如下步骤,创建一个个人 root 系统(避免系统权限)以及两本书中用到的 libcs.a 静态库。

Download this repo to your folder.


$ git clone https://github.com/xuehao/Roberts.CS1.C.git

Switch to the folder cslib. Use make to build the library.

进入 cslib 文件夹。执行 make 命令,生成库文件。

$ cd Roberts.CS1.C && cd cslib
$ make

If succeed, you’ll find a folder called root. Copy the root folder to your home directory.

如果成功,此时会生成一个 root 文件夹。复制 root 文件到个人目录。

$ mv root ~


Package all the options for the compiler and the linker used while building the C program into the general Makefile.

把构建C程序用到的编译器选项和链接器选项打包放进通用 Makefile 中。

CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -I${HOME}/root/include/cs -g -Wall -std=gnu11 -O3
LDLIBS = -L${HOME}/root/lib/ -lcs -lm

Use the general Makefile in the test-cslib folder to build the house.c program and to see how to connect the library.

使用 test-cslib 中的通用 Makefile 文件编译 house.c 测试程序,看看如何链接库文件。

$ cd .. && cd test-cslib
$ make house
$ ./house

This will produce a data file called graphics.ps.

此时会生成名为 graphics.ps 的数据文件。